Daily Prompt: It Ain’t Gonna Bother Me No More


Once again, the Daily Prompt follows up on something I just posted!

It’s not a coincidence!

Fear used to cripple me. The fact that I was extremely shy growing up didn’t help much either. But as we all know, life has a way of kicking you in the butt and teaching you a thing or two. Like a cornered animal, I started fighting back after a while. I got tired of missing out on special moments, not being able to tell someone about themselves or having the freedom to express what I really feel. Like I posted earlier, I could thank life or good people for helping me, but nothing has helped me more than fear itself. Little by little I turned that sucker around and used it to motivate me. Before I knew it, I’ve been able to establish good relationships, face oppressors and take on a new career as a freelancer. The good part is, I’m just getting started! 🙂

Yes, I missed out on things, but I don’t have any regrets. I’ve learned a lot and I still have time to deal with fear appropriately.

Fear is a natural emotion. There is nothing taboo or awkward about it. It happens, but it doesn’t stay. At least you shouldn’t let it stay. Use the hell out of it. After all, it’s part of our survival skills since the beginning of time. Fear has saved us from doing some stupid things anyway, so take that to your advantage. Fear is a friend not a foe!



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My First Stint as a Guest Blogger!

I decided to do a post on this because I feel it’s a huge step for me as a writer and has opened new doors. Author Bill Holland was gracious enough to have me post a blog on his page recently. It’s great to interact with people like him. He’s not hesitant to share information he has on learning and growing as a writer. One day when I’m in the position, I’ll be sure to look out for up and coming writers, the same way he’s done for me. Pay it forward!

For those of you aspiring to write, please go check out his page. He has tons of useful information that pertains to developing skills as a writer and freelancer. He’ll also answer any questions you may have.

I’ve learned a huge lesson about freelancing. Making good connections is key in order to grow as a writer. Interacting with people is necessary and also a rewarding experience. If you have any tips on freelancing, blogging or writing, I would greatly appreciate you sharing them with me.

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Career Moves – Why I Got Promoted

Shoot, in my mind, I was already promoted! It was just a matter of me getting there!
Shoot, in my mind, I was already promoted! It was just a matter of me getting there!

If I did it, then so can you. I recently received the wonderful news of getting promoted after years of hard work, frustration and what I thought were set backs (they actually weren’t, but I’ll get to that later). As I’ve mentioned before, I have a full time job that I do in addition to my part-time freelance work. I want to share tid-bits of my journey to where I am today career-wise and hope it helps you out in some way.

Making a plan

As my readers know, I love to make lists. My career is no exception. When I’m ready to transition or push for a higher position, I usually start out by making a list. It visualizes everything for me, from what I need to do, whom I should talk to, reading I need to do and strategies I need to develop. That way, when I’m sitting before management making a case for myself I won’t look foolish. The confidence is there and I know what I’m talking about. My message is clear to them and they often admire that. Even if you just write down “get a new job” or “start consulting business” that’s a great start. The more you realize what you want, the better you can go about planning for it.


I’d be a lying fool if I chose not to mention this part of my journey. It’s bound to happen at some point to everybody. We just have to choose how to deal with it. A couple of years ago I started applying for different jobs and got called for an interview. The organization was great, the location was excellent and the salary was out of this world. It was the perfect job for me. Out of 200 applicants, I made it to the final round of selection. When it was down to the final round, I went on a second interview and it went well. I just knew I had the job – I knew it was mine. Then it was silence, I never got the call that I’d been waiting for. After a couple of days, I called the manager that had interviewed me and asked if a selection had been made and he told me yes. They were impressed with my package but another candidate was chosen and it was a very difficult decision for them to make. I was crushed. I had to face my current supervisor and co-workers (some of them knew that I had gone on interviews – thanks to the supervisor) after that rejection. It took me a couple of days, but once I got myself together I made up my mind: that next time I come that close to getting a job, it’s because IT’S MINE! I didn’t care about circumstances, other candidates, or interviews. I was going to ace it next time and get the promotion. Sure, there were other applications I put in afterwards that weren’t accepted. I tried other avenues and looked at other careers in which I could advance. Nothing really happened for the next couple of years. But over that time I nurtured that one thought I had after the disappointment I faced with the dream job. I took the positive from the situation; the fact that I made that far out of 200 applicants spoke volumes. I interviewed well and I knew what I was talking about which meant I had pretty good market value. I just needed to keep trying and not stop until something happened. That’s what rejection does to you – if you handle it the right way. I didn’t let it consume me, I let it teach me (ha, I like that! (c) New3Creation Writing).


After learning from the hurtful bout of rejection and making my mind up to never be in that situation again, I started making preparations to actually be in my new job. Did I have it yet? No, but I was doing my darnest to get there! I increased my exposure to various parts of my career field, I went to seminars, I read guidelines and regulations, I volunteered for projects that no one else wanted to touch and went to meetings no one cared about. I picked management’s brain about career moves and what I needed to work on in order to advance (annual performance reviews weren’t enough for me and I made sure they knew that). Were any of these tasks giving me promotions? No, but they were definitely increasing my knowledge and helping me ad more accomplishments to my resume.

After taking a break from applying and pushing for a new job, I mustered up the energy to start applying again. I went hard core, or as a friend of mine says, went into “beast mode”. All of the interviews I previously went on, suddenly served as fuel because I’d become familiar with questions and expectations of positions. All of my responses helped me regain confidence in the push I was making. Before I knew it there were SEVERAL OFFERS on my plate for me to choose from!

Setting sail

I star my new position in a couple of weeks and I am ecstatic about it. The faith and hard work has definitely paid off. I say all of this of course to apply to writing; I want to advance in this career as well. I’m learning that it’s a slow process (molasses!) but I’m enjoying every moment of it as it continues to grow for me.

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Whatever Happened to Quality Journalism?

File via Flickr: Zarco Drincic
File via Flickr: Zarco Drincic

As an aspiring writer, I always look forward to a good, informative read. Whether it’s an established news resource or an opinion on a hot controversy, I open websites and newspapers with anticipation and expectation of decent material. I have to say content and its quality has changed dramatically over the years. Being able to rely on news and publication is important to me not only as a writer but as an individual who chooses to be informed and doesn’t mind taking the time to research reliable material. But when I go looking I come across endless amounts of tacky an deceiving headlines, not to mention useless information. Oh, and don’t forget about the obnoxious reports on celebrities, what they’re doing, wearing or whatever else they do with their so-called lives. Okay, well what about actual reporting on issues that could have a significant impact on my life? Why should I care about Kimye’s wedding or if Nicki Minaj dissed Izzy Agalea at the awards show (I’ve never heard any songs by the first and don’t even know a thing about the second one’s existence)? Sadly, they make the headlines everyday.

I’m no perfect writer, I make mistakes and grammatical errors every now and then, but sheesh, I’ve seen 9 year olds have better writing skills then what’s printed in these publications! What is going on and when did the quality of writing and reporting plummet?

Anyone know of places I could go to get useful information on news/current events? What’s your take on today’s news coverage?

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Daily Post: Groundhog Wars

Well I’ll be!

Just when I was feeling bad about not blogging for the past several days, low and behold, the Daily Prompt has the word “Groundhog” in it! This is hilarious because I’ve been fighting a serious battle with groundhogs in my yard ALL WEEK, so when I saw today’s prompt, you know I wasn’t passing up the opportunity! Couldn’t be more fitting, folks. J

So last Saturday I finally put procrastination to the side and decided to water my flower bed. The rain had stopped for a few days and I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and get yard work done. I walk over to the bed with my water hose in tow when out of nowhere I see some gray fuzzy critters scurry underneath my doorstep and into the ground….I slowly put the water hose down and dashed back into the house for safety! What the heck was that? I’ve been in my home for about a year and a half now. There are definitely animals in the area, but I’ve never encountered any of them at such a close range. After much research and visits to my local Home Depot, I discovered my yard had a case of the groundhogs….cute, but very destructive. If they had picked any other spot in my yard I would’ve been fine with it because they’re quiet and they go about their business. But they were right next to the foundation of my house and were having a serious digging party. Keep in mind they’re notorious for digging to the point where a structure’s foundation could be destroyed if they’re not managed. Not my house – no way. Wrong address, woodchucks!

My poor flowers! Right when they were budding, the tips were snatched by the villans!
My poor flowers! Right when they were budding, the tips were snatched by the villans!

Of course the internet is filled with crazy remedies to that claim to run them off your property. Chicken wire, moth balls, rosemary oil, poisoned worms, radios (!), bombs…you name it, it supposedly resolves your groundhog problem. To be honest, I tried the more “sensible” theories; I brought ammonia and poured some in the hole and then splashed some around the front of my house Why? Because ammonia smells like pee, and they don’t like the smell of anyone else’s, so they relocate to another spot. Well, it didn’t work, in fact, I saw an extra member join the posse over the next few days! Meanwhile, the flower buds are being destroyed, droppings are all over my yard and the hole seems to get bigger.

This is the hole they dug out. Fortunately it's only one hole, they didn't create underground condos like other groundhogs do.
This is the hole they dug out. Fortunately it’s only one hole, they didn’t create underground condos like other groundhogs do.

When I realized none of the alternative options would be effective, I finally resorted to the most effective way to keep them from clawing at my foundation; I hired an animal control expert to trap and remove them from my yard. Bait was laid out and the trap was set. It didn’t take long, two of them were caught within a matter of 2 hours. I love animals, but I won’t take the chance of having my foundation tampered with. They had to go!

One of the two villans that were caught. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper!
One of the two villans that were caught. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper!

To finally answer the question, there is something I would change from this past week. Because it was a first time situation, I was really worried about handling the groundhogs properly, so I hired a company to come out and set traps and relocate them. Come to find out, it’s something I could’ve done myself for a fraction of what I had to pay. Instead, I was turned off about stories of them becoming violent and defecating in your car as you transport them to a safer spot. I could’ve dealt with all of that without anyone getting hurt. It goes to show me that I don’t need to face situations with so much fear. I could’ve taken the bull by its horns…or in this case the woodchuck by it’s love for veggies.

A good learning lesson for me. Next time, I won’t be so fearful.




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Happy Father’s Day: An Ode to “K”

I admire you, I admire your strength

From you I’ve learned to keep drama at arm’s length

Though heartbreak and disappointment

You manage to persevere

Each day for you brings new adventures

Uncertainties and fears

You don’t falter, you don’t fall behind

Things stay in place

Some days are better than others, but it never shows on your handsome face

When your children are older, they will look back and remember

The values they learned will make them fonder

I can’t help but think of the time you make for me

Each moment is perfect and to the “t”

All the hats you juggle, all the needs you meet

You maintain your lovely humor

And manage to stay so sweet!

Happy Father’s Day!

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Food for Thought Thursday

I’ve always frowned on weak leadership. Whether it’s political, religious or in the work place. I think to myself “what’s the deal”? Nonetheless, I always go back to myself and wonder what I would do to better a situation if I was in that leader’s position. I can’t just go around pointing fingers all the time.

With that being said, I would like to share today’s food for thought…a Ugandan proverb:

The chief kills the life of the village, not the trader.

What are your thoughts on this proverb? How would you apply it to your everyday happenings in life?

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You Had one for Pre-K?


A year book from pre-kindergarden…this is the answer I came up with for today’s Daily Post. At first I thought about a hair brush that I still have from when I was in 6th grade…but that’s a whole other story and was outdone by my old crusty yearbook.

I remember sitting in pre-k putting the yearbook together. The night before I had my mom fussing about having to give pictures from the album in order to complete the school project. I was told to take care of the pictures and not let anything happen to them. Once I came home with the finished project my parents looked at it, then looked at each other, then looked at it again. “This is it?” They asked with a puzzled smile on their faces. “Oh….it’s nice….”.

It was tacky. It didn’t make sense and it just wasn’t that appealing. Over the years, it got tossed around between moves and relocations. I lived in another part of the world for a while and mom held on to it for me along with some other junk I refused to throw away. Now, over 30 years later, I still have it with me, taking up space in my basement. I’ve been clowned and ridiculed for still holding onto this “yearbook”. Pages are missing, torn and faded. But it meant so much me as I put it together and I’m still not ready to part with it.

No one gets it but me. Oh well.





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