Food for Thought Thursday

Source: Flickr - Anne Sophie
Source: Flickr – Anne Sophie

Hey everyone. Sorry I’ve been slow this week, but I’ve been adjusting to my new position along with some other writing projects that I plan on sharing with you very soon! In the meantime, here’s today’s Food for Thought:

“If you fear something, you give it power over you.”

I’ve talked about fear recently and shared my thoughts with you all on that and how it can be handled. So while today’s “proverb” is pretty straight-forward, I’m still very interested in reading your thoughts about it.

What do you fear? Is it something you want to overcome? What fears have you overcome in the past?

As always, thanks for stopping by. Your comments are appreciated! 🙂

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Food for Thought Thursday

Source: Gajman (Flickr)
Source: Gajman (Flickr)

Happy Thursday, everyone! Here’s today’s food for thought all the way from Kenya:

“When a strong man sends a message, he sends it with a weak man.”

This one is very interesting to me. I have some thoughts on it, but I’d like to hear what you all have to say about it first. 🙂

Enjoy your day and your weekend!

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5 Quotes that Helped Reshape My Mind.

Source: Flickr Michael Coglan
Source: Flickr Michael Coglan

I’ve learned a lot since beginning this writing journey. I’ve met some great writers who don’t hesitate to help and I’ve even fallen in love with reading again. With that being said, my reader attention has been heightened, taking more notice of words everywhere I go…they resonate with me in  a fresh new way. Without further ado, here are 5 quotes I’ve heard over the course of my life that have changed me in more ways than one:

“The head is a beautiful mechanism; use it, but don’t be used by it.”Osho, philosopher

When it comes to writing, the mind couldn’t serve as a better tool. That’s where thoughts, ideas and wonderful stories are birthed. But I’ve learned of the strong connection the mind has with the heart. It’s important to have a balance between these two components because on their own, both can get carried away. It’s good to have an imagination, but we have to be grounded at the same time in respect to reality.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” The Bible

This scripture has done a complete change in me not just as a writer, but as a person. Trust me; I am NOT speaking from a religious standpoint, but rather a practical one. So many people spend time trying to be like someone else and don’t take the time to discover who they are. It wasn’t until I was ready to do some self-reflection that this scripture came to life for me. Many things in the mind need to be attacked and uprooted because they’re the cause of many setbacks and sad stories. Changing the way you think will open so many doors for you and reveal the path to your destiny. Okay, I don’t mean to sound like some mythical speaker, but it’s true. J

“If you think the grass is greener on the other side, water your own grass!” – unknown

I read this somewhere, and cracked up laughing – but I don’t remember where I read it! If nothing else has motivated me to work on my craft more, it’s definitely this lovely quote. I don’t know who said it, but it makes perfect sense to me. There’s nothing wrong with admiring other people’s work, but being able to circle back around and use what you’ve observed for your own improvement is the whole point. Besides, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side although it may seem that way.

“Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”George Bernard Shaw

Believe it or not, this quote inspired me to begin my writing journey. So many things in other areas of my life have blossomed besides my writing. Once I heard my sister say it to me over the phone one day, it set things in motion for me. I was not going to sit around anymore. Whatever I was dissatisfied with in my life was about to get dealt with. I started cultivating; tending to things I wanted to see happen, and boy, have they started happening! At the same time, I’ve learned that there are questions that won’t ever be answered and things that are beyond my control. So I just work on what I can….I create! Such a perfect tie into writing! There are a few outlets in this world that allow such a powerful event to take place.

“Anything that’s too easy is not good for you.”My ninth grade Earth Science teacher

Don’t asked me what I learned in Earth Science, because I’d be lying if I told you. That darn class was at 2 in the afternoon and I just remember being spent and ready to go home. Plus her classroom was always hot! That just made it even more difficult for my brain to process any information during that time of day.

But I digress.

During class one day we were having an off-topic classroom discussion about life in general. She decided to through some words of wisdom our way and they definitely stuck with me. I’ve come to understand how I must work hard. When I do, not only is it rewarding, but I know that no one can my my way and discredit me or tamper with what I have. Especially since my reward wasn’t handed to me; I worked hard for it and deserve the benefits I’m reaping from it.

Do you have an empowering quote that changed your life? I’d like to hear about it!

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I’m Just Saying…

What better way to start off the week than with one of Weird Al’s classic parodies??? Not only am I agreeing with him 100 percent on this, I gave my own rant about it not too long ago. It really irks me as a writer to see memos, letters, emails, text messages and blogs (!) with crazy grammar and little to no editing. How do you expect the reader/audience to take you seriously?

Anyway I love how he takes a jab at this. You’ve probably seen it already (as of this post, it had over 8 million hits), but I had to post it just in case.

At any rate, happy Monday and have a great week, fellow readers, bloggers and writers!

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Happy Friday to everyone!

I hope your week has been a good one. It has definitely been busy for me as I prepare to start a new job. It’s been a long time coming and I must say I’ve learned so much about myself and life these past few years. It’s too much to post in one blog, so I will try to keep it on point. 🙂

There are many things going on during this transitional phase. I’m taking the things I’ve learned with me to make it useful in my new environment. That includes good and bad experiences. In fact, the negative experiences have helped more than I could’ve imagined. Disappointments, things that folks have done to anger me has all boiled down in melting pot to strengthen me for the new horizon. There’s more confidence to achieve and definitely to write!

As David Brinkley stated, “lay a firm foundation with the bricks others throw at you”. Couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Certain things to keep in mind during transitioning:

  • Stay focused…on the positive – small, miniature bumps in the road may come to tamper with the joyful aspects of your transition. Always remember that change is a good thing. It’s growth so it may be painful sometimes, but at the end of the day you’ll be in a better place.
  • Put it on paper – lists may not be for everyone, but they’ve helped me immensely. Every now and then I sit down and make a list, no matter what it is. It could be plans for the next 6 months, things that are working my last nerve, or plans for better ways to budget. Even if it isn’t a list, try scribbling something down about where you want to go and how you will get there. Something inside you will definitely be sparked!
  • Laugh it off – as you go through changes, it always includes letting things go. It could be grudges, bad idea or even people who you’ve been around for some time. It’s important to have humorous moments during these times. Think back to the time you laughed the hardest, or a corny joke you may have told or heard from someone. As long as it brings a smile to your face, the hard elements of transitioning will melt off.

What are your thoughts on transitioning?


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Why Reading Really is Fundamental

Bulldog reading

The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give an understaning of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary.”

J.K. Rowling – Author

To be honest, the photo actually prompted me to write this post. It’s usually the other way around – I usually write something up first and find a photo to go along with it…growth and development folks!

Brain harmony
Reading puts your brain to work, which is always a good thing. As writers, this can definitely serve as a benefit to our creativity and ability to articulate. Because your brain is put into so much action when reading, the effect lasts for days afterwards…this is a good thing. It doesn’t pay to have a stagnant brain with no activity. Now, no one has to read a whole library full of novels by the end of the year, taking the time to read some news articles or e-books on an interesting topic can make a world of difference for the brain. Feeding our creativity will help us reach out to our audience more, fueling fresh ideas and boosting writing confidence.

Your vocabulary improves
No one will take a writer seriously if they can’t express themselves properly. No, one doesn’t have to use Ph.D. level terminology in their posts, but they should be able to convey their messages clearly and with the right terms according to their audience. Reading how authors articulate and express their viewpoints can definitely help when it comes to relaying our own views, hence the quote by Rowling. In fact, it can lead to identifying the audience better which ultimately leads to better preparation of material for them. Again, reading helps to fuel growth and creativity. Not just in the mind, but on paper, in conversations….it goes on and on.

What I’m reading now
I have a few things going on at one time, so I’m reading more than one book at a time. One is by philosopher Osho, Emotional Wellness and the other is by L.Y. Marlow, A Life Apart. Marlow’s book is the first novel I’ve read in a long time and I’m excited as to which direction it will take me in my writing.

Need a starting point?
Of course, visit the local book store. Also hunt around for book clubs and take visits to the library. But if you also want to hunt online to get ideas on where to start, check out these links below: If you’re interested, you can create an account and interact with other readers, get reading discussions and provide book reviews. You can also use this site to promote your work if you’re an author or publisher. Provides book reviews and is another good site to search for your next read.


Books recommended by librarians around the country. They have monthly reading lists for you to sign up for and discuss.

Read any good books lately? I’d love to hear about it! 🙂

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Daily Prompt: It Ain’t Gonna Bother Me No More


Once again, the Daily Prompt follows up on something I just posted!

It’s not a coincidence!

Fear used to cripple me. The fact that I was extremely shy growing up didn’t help much either. But as we all know, life has a way of kicking you in the butt and teaching you a thing or two. Like a cornered animal, I started fighting back after a while. I got tired of missing out on special moments, not being able to tell someone about themselves or having the freedom to express what I really feel. Like I posted earlier, I could thank life or good people for helping me, but nothing has helped me more than fear itself. Little by little I turned that sucker around and used it to motivate me. Before I knew it, I’ve been able to establish good relationships, face oppressors and take on a new career as a freelancer. The good part is, I’m just getting started! 🙂

Yes, I missed out on things, but I don’t have any regrets. I’ve learned a lot and I still have time to deal with fear appropriately.

Fear is a natural emotion. There is nothing taboo or awkward about it. It happens, but it doesn’t stay. At least you shouldn’t let it stay. Use the hell out of it. After all, it’s part of our survival skills since the beginning of time. Fear has saved us from doing some stupid things anyway, so take that to your advantage. Fear is a friend not a foe!


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My First Stint as a Guest Blogger!

I decided to do a post on this because I feel it’s a huge step for me as a writer and has opened new doors. Author Bill Holland was gracious enough to have me post a blog on his page recently. It’s great to interact with people like him. He’s not hesitant to share information he has on learning and growing as a writer. One day when I’m in the position, I’ll be sure to look out for up and coming writers, the same way he’s done for me. Pay it forward!

For those of you aspiring to write, please go check out his page. He has tons of useful information that pertains to developing skills as a writer and freelancer. He’ll also answer any questions you may have.

I’ve learned a huge lesson about freelancing. Making good connections is key in order to grow as a writer. Interacting with people is necessary and also a rewarding experience. If you have any tips on freelancing, blogging or writing, I would greatly appreciate you sharing them with me.

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